require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //if you want to change the namespace/path from 'UbexPay' - lines[1-5] - to your desired name, i.e. (use UbexPay\Api\Amount; to use MyDomain\Api\Amount;), then you must change the folders name that holds the API classes as well as change the property 'UbexPay' in (autoload->psr-0) of (php-sdk/composer.json) file to your desired name and run "composer dump-autoload" command from sdk root use UbexPay\Api\Payer; use UbexPay\Api\Amount; use UbexPay\Api\Transaction; use UbexPay\Api\RedirectUrls; use UbexPay\Api\Payment; //Payer Object $payer = new Payer(); $payer->setPaymentMethod('UbexPay'); //preferably, your system name, example - UbexPay //Amount Object $amountIns = new Amount(); $amountIns->setTotal(20)->setCurrency('DZD'); //must give a valid currency code and must exist in merchant wallet list //Transaction Object $trans = new Transaction(); $trans->setAmount($amountIns); //RedirectUrls Object $urls = new RedirectUrls(); $urls->setSuccessUrl('') //success url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after successful payment, see sample example-success.php file in sdk root, example - ->setCancelUrl(''); //cancel url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after cancellation of payment, example - //Payment Object $payment = new Payment(); $payment->setCredentials([ //client id & client secret, see merchants->setting(gear icon) 'client_id' => 'place your client id here', //must provide correct client id of an express merchant 'client_secret' => 'place your client secret here' //must provide correct client secret of an express merchant ])->setRedirectUrls($urls) ->setPayer($payer) ->setTransaction($trans); try { $payment->create(); //create payment header("Location: ".$payment->getApprovedUrl()); //checkout url } catch (Exception $ex) { print $ex; exit; }
use UbexPay\Api\Payer; use UbexPay\Api\Amount; use UbexPay\Api\Transaction; use UbexPay\Api\RedirectUrls; use UbexPay\Api\Payment; //Payer Object $payer = new Payer(); $payer->setPaymentMethod('UbexPay'); //preferably, your system name, example - UbexPay //Amount Object $amountIns = new Amount(); $amountIns->setTotal(20)->setCurrency('DZD'); //must give a valid currency code and must exist in merchant wallet list //Transaction Object $trans = new Transaction(); $trans->setAmount($amountIns); //RedirectUrls Object $urls = new RedirectUrls(); $urls->setSuccessUrl('') //success url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after successful payment, see sample example-success.php file in sdk root, example - ->setCancelUrl(''); //cancel url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after cancellation of payment, example -